Building & Subdivision

Service Current Rate $
Single-family (concrete) 140.00
Single-family (timber) 70.00
Multi-family (concrete) 170.00
Multi-family (timber) 90.00
Commercial (concrete) 250.00
Commercial (timber) 125.00
Institution (concrete) 100.00
Institution (timber / tent) 50.00
Petrol filing Station (concrete) 220.00
Hotel/Resort (concrete) 7,000.00 per room
& 300.00 per sq. m.
Hotel/Resort (timber) 3,000.00 per room
& 200.00 per sq. m.
Telecommunication Tower 100,000.00
Processing fee 4,000.00 per lot & (0.5% of infrastructural works if needed)
Certificate compliance/ Statutory Declaration
5 lots and under  5,000.00
6 - 20 lots  8,000.00
21 - 50 lots 12,000.00
Over 50 lots 15,000.00
Other Services
Modification of covenant 5,000.00
Enquiry Application 5,000.00
Copy of subidivision 1,500.00
Copy of the building plans conditions 3,000.00
Quarry application 1,500.00
Penalty fee - illegal building 10,000.00 - 50% of processing fee
Penalty fee - illegal advertisement 50% of processing fee
Storage fee - illegal advertise 25% of processing fee
Inspection fee for additional site visit  2,000.00
Inspection fee for school visit 5,000.00