Barbers & Hairdressers

Service Current Rate $
Barber Licence
Licence to operate as a Barber 4,500.00
Renewal of Barber Licence 4,000.00
Licence to operate as trainee 2,500.00
Renewal of Trainee Licence 2,000.00
Licence to operate Barbershop 6,000.00
Renewal to operate a Barbershop 5,000.00
Hairdresser Licence
Licence for Cosmetologist/Hairdresser 5,000.00
Renewal of Licence Cosmetologist/Hairdresser 4,500.00
Licence to operate as Trainee 2,500.00
Renewal of Licence to operate as Trainee 2,000.00
Beauty Therapist Licence 5,500.00
Beauty Therapist Licence Renewal 5,000.00
Beauty Salon 6,000.00
Renewal of Beauty Salon 5,000.00
Licence for Shop with Both
Hairdresser and Barber 10,000.00
Renewal Hairdresser and Barber 7,000.00